ABBI announced today that its BULLetin magazine is going digital. People will be able to view the first all-digital issue on Thursday morning from ABBI’s website and through social media links.
“This change will allow us to put out more editions of the magazine each year and have information reach our members in a more timely manner,” said ABBI Executive Director Jay Daugherty. “We have a loyal readership and we think people will be enthusiastic about this digital format once they experience it. We do know some people still prefer printed publications, so we are keeping our two most popular editions in the paper format.”
ABBI has traditionally shared its news and information with stock contractors, members, and fans through the printed ABBI BULLetin and two printed magazine programs (available at the America Heritage events and the ABBI World Finals). BULLetins have been uploaded to websites in the past where members can read them online, but this new format will be exclusively digital and allow for an interactive experience with helpful website links and additional information available with just a click.
“A lot has changed since we started the original edition of the magazine 14 years ago,” said ABBI Editor Susan Himes. “With the upswing in social media and people getting much of their news online nowadays, we realized we needed to change with the times in order to best serve our readership. It’s exciting that this new format will allow us to reach far more people and hopefully grow the fan base of our sport even further.”
The American Heritage Magazine Program and ABBI World Finals Magazine Program will both continue to be traditionally printed and distributed to members. Members with current subscriptions to the BULLetin magazine newsletters and ABBI Programs will automatically have their subscriptions renewed an extra year at no charge. The new rate to receive the two printed magazines each year will now be $9.99.