Attention $100K Added Maiden Spot Holders

Spots will open Monday, Jan. 10th to Monday, Jan. 17th on abbireg. Your spots will be available in your accounts. To clarify, if you are a CURRENT MAIDEN SPOT HOLDER you will still need to pay an annual deposit for each spot you own. This locks in our committed list of competitors and secures your spot. Whatever level you came in at, that is your renewal fee ($100 / $200 / $300).
The first $100 of your spot fee will go towards your entry fee in the fall. That is when you will name your maiden calf and pay the entry fee of $2,225.

The 10 maiden spots we have for sale will only be available on Monday Jan 10th from 10AM CST to 10:30AM CST. Contact Marlissa Gonzales at 719.229.5483.

These spots will be assigned randomly that afternoon. PLEASE NOTE: These are not an additional 10 spots, they are spots that were not previously paid for. Ultimately, we are still aiming for our 250 Maiden calves.